Can Cleaning Products Really Fight Labor Shortage Issues?

by EnvirOx
Can Cleaning Products Really Fight Labor Shortage Issues?

The cleaning industry has never been a stranger to turnover. In the past, turnover in our industry has been 200% or higher.1 The Pandemic triggered what many called “The Great Resignation” in 2022 when 50 million people exited the workforce (following the 47.8 million who did so in 2021.) Now, the view of this has changed. Many are now calling it “The Great Reshuffle” as hiring rates outpace quitting rates.2 Where are people going? They’re seeking out jobs that are a better fit for them.

What Job-Seekers Are Leaving For:

  • Improved Work/Life Balance
  • Flexibility
  • Increased Compensation
  • Strong Company Culture 

The Numbers Seem To Be Getting Better...
But Not For Us

Although some indicators (such as quitting rates) are looking better, it's not really being felt in our industry. Why is that? Trying to capture the totality of the cleaning industry can be difficult, because while there are dedicated companies (such as BSCs,) much of the industry is incorporated into other industries (hospitality, retail, and manufacturing to name a few) meaning the statistics can feel a little maddening when looking across sources.

When trying to summarize the issues we have to look at a variety of sources. Here’s a summary of a few we found:

  • WAGES: 62% of Janitorial Workers Are Classifed as “Low  Wage Earners”3
  • SAFETY: 32% of Female Janitorial Workers Have Reported  Some Type of Harrassment 3
  • INSURANCE: 50% of Full-Time Janitorial Workers Are Not Provided With Health Insurance3
  • CHILDCARE: 27% of Women Say Child Care Costs Are a Major Factor in Not  Rejoining the Workforce. 53% of Janitorial Workers Are Female4

So What Can You Do?

None of the issues raised on the previous page are easily or quickly resolved. The cleaning industry is highly competitive, with everyone seeking lower costs. But the cleaning product you use can make a big difference. Let’s take a look at some common problems that employers have when it comes to hiring cleaning workers AND how we can help.


  • Difficulty attracting younger workers into cleaning work
  • High turnover / aging workforce means fewer “legacy” workers to help train & mentor
  • Reduction in the pool of immigrant workers
  • Maintaining safety standards and protocols
  • Maintaining quality of work despite high turnover


  • Simplified training
  • Simplified product line
  • Online training resources
  • Multi-lingual and visual training materials create ease & less frustration for the workers that are available, aiding retention
  • Closed-Loop dispensers
  • Safer cleaning products
  • Highly-effective, best in class products
  • that clean quickly and  reduce residue, which helps facilities look their best

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  1. Cleaning Business Today. (2015). Reducing Turnover Is Just Smart For Business. Retrieved from
  2. US Chamber of Commerce (2024). Understanding America’s Labor Shortage. Retrieved from
  3. US Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2024). Table 4. Quits levels and rates by industry and region, seasonally adjusted. Retrieved from
  4. Janitorial Manager. (2023). How the Janitorial Industry Turnover Rate Has Changed. Retrieved from

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